Learning ‘American’ – Idioms using ‘Over’

On top of the all the words in English, and their strange spellings, there are all the phrases Americans use informally. These casual sayings are called idioms, and learning them is important for fully understanding ‘American’ English. Luckily, we’re here to help you learn some common idioms.

Today’s list of idioms all use the word “over”.

Bend over backwards: Inconvenience yourself to help another

Get over it: accept things the way they are (usually in regards to something that has made you angry)

In over one’s head: in a situation that one is not prepared to deal with

Over the hill: older; no longer young

Carry something over: continue something which was started in another place

Crying over spilled milk: complaining about some past loss (usually in terms of that complaining being pointless)

Falling Head Over Heels: feel strong love in a way that is overwhelming

Over the hump: past the most difficult part

Over the top: extreme or outrageous; overly dramatic

Put one over on: trick someone into believing something that’s not true

When hell freezes over: it will never happen